
Storitve → Etikete za kupca

Etikete za kupca

Vsak izdelek zahteva profesionalno pakiranje. Kako ves čas zagotavljate kakovost? Naša storitev izdelave etiket po želji kupca pretvori embaliranje v učinkovit in zanesljiv postopek: vaši izdelki kjer koli želite, kadarkoli želite, pakirano kot želite. Naj poskrbimo za to, da se boste lahko osredotočili na svojo osnovno dejavnost. Skupaj lahko še naprej rastemo.


  • Manjši stroški
  • Upravljanje zalog
  • "Just-in-time" dobava

Establishing a brand is about more than just launching a product. Every detail matters, including the packaging. Or actually - especially the packaging! Because that’s the first thing the customer sees. That’s why packaging requires professionalism. Stafa is an experienced partner you can trust. We have turned packaging into true craftsmanship.

One-stop shop for worldwide shipment

Which packaging materials suit your product? How can the packaging design be made as efficient as possible? How can you save costs by outsourcing the packaging of fasteners? At Stafa, we believe that focus makes you stronger. We help our customers by taking everything off their hands, so they can concentrate on their core business.

Stafa has modern packaging machines, full logistics facilities and decades of experience. This basis safeguards our continuity and enables us to supply your private label products where and whenever you want.

Less overhead, lower costs

At Stafa we want to make everything as easy as possible. That’s why you purchase one package that includes the components, under a single article number. This avoids unnecessary overhead and process costs. And, at the same time, increases transparency in the cost price of the end product.

Pim van Leeuwen

Vas zanima kaj lahko STAFA stori za vašo organizacijo? Z veseljem vam bom pomagal.

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