
Storitve → Uvoz zabojnikov

Uvoz zabojnikov

Uvoz s svetovnega trga je zapleten in dolgotrajen postopek. Obstajajo številni postopki, mednarodni in drugi predpisi pa zahtevajo strokovno znanje. Izogibajte se nepotrebnim tveganjem in izkoristite desetletja izkušenj s strani partnerja, ki nadzira celoten postopek. Vaše naročilo bo izdelano v eni od naših tovarn, nato pa bo poslano v zabojniku neposredno na kateri koli naslov na svetu.


  • Skrbno izbrani evropski in azijski partnerji
  • Popusti za naročila v večjih količinah
  • Brez carinskih težav in s podporo v celotnem postopku uvoza

Access to an international network of quality producers. Production to exact specifications. No worries about distribution or customs. Global door-to-door order monitoring – anywhere in the world. Container import with Stafa makes importing from the global market accessible to every company.

Care-free import from the global market

With Stafa, you do business directly with carefully selected European and Asian partners. We use our knowledge of both clients and producers to support the entire import process. Your order will be produced in one of our factories and will then be sent directly by container to any address in the world.

Price benefit

Product demands, import duties, customs formalities: import is a complex process that is subject to many rules. With Stafa, you can rest assured that you are dealing with an experienced partner who will monitor the entire process. Stafa mainly works directly with certified producers. This enables us to obtain products according to your own specifications under the best terms and conditions. You also benefit from our purchasing volumes, which gives you a price advantage, without compromising on quality. Your business, our expertise: we can both grow further.


Vas zanima kaj lahko STAFA stori za vašo organizacijo? Z veseljem vam bom pomagal.

Matjaž Gustinčič

Stafa d.o.o.

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